34 research outputs found

    Further Extensions of the Gr\"{o}tzsch Theorem

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    The Gr\"{o}tzsch Theorem states that every triangle-free planar graph admits a proper 33-coloring. Among many of its generalizations, the one of Gr\"{u}nbaum and Aksenov, giving 33-colorability of planar graphs with at most three triangles, is perhaps the most known. A lot of attention was also given to extending 33-colorings of subgraphs to the whole graph. In this paper, we consider 33-colorings of planar graphs with at most one triangle. Particularly, we show that precoloring of any two non-adjacent vertices and precoloring of a face of length at most 44 can be extended to a 33-coloring of the graph. Additionally, we show that for every vertex of degree at most 33, a precoloring of its neighborhood with the same color extends to a 33-coloring of the graph. The latter result implies an affirmative answer to a conjecture on adynamic coloring. All the presented results are tight

    Strong edge colorings of graphs and the covers of Kneser graphs

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    A proper edge coloring of a graph is strong if it creates no bichromatic path of length three. It is well known that for a strong edge coloring of a kk-regular graph at least 2k12k-1 colors are needed. We show that a kk-regular graph admits a strong edge coloring with 2k12k-1 colors if and only if it covers the Kneser graph K(2k1,k1)K(2k-1,k-1). In particular, a cubic graph is strongly 55-edge-colorable whenever it covers the Petersen graph. One of the implications of this result is that a conjecture about strong edge colorings of subcubic graphs proposed by Faudree et al. [Ars Combin. 29 B (1990), 205--211] is false